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Ultraplex Cardio (180 Caplets)

Extended-Release Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate

DOSAGE: Take three caplets twice per day: 3 caplets 30 minutes before breakfast and 3 caplets again 30 minutes before lunch with 8 ounces of water.

Ultraplex Cardio represents a patented, extended-release nitric oxide precursor. Scientists now refer to nitric oxide (NO) as the "foundation" of cardiovascular health. This tiny molecule is a vasodilator responsible for controlling blood flow to the entire body, which may help support healthy blood flow pressure and promote the health of the endothelium-the inside of blood vessels. With age comes diminished NO levels; that's why since 1998, when three scientists won the Nobel Prize for their discovery of NO, researchers have been working to harness its heart-healthy activity. Today, with the application of Elevation Ultraplex's extended-release technology, that activity has been realized with Ultraplex Cardio.